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Thanks! Now can you email HSBC asking them to cut oil ties with Russian oil and gas? There are some talking points below to help you:

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Talking points

  • You could call on HSBC to put peace before profits, by cutting all ties with Russian oil and gas companies.
  • Specifically, you could ask it to sell off its stakes in these companies and rule out all future business with them.
  • If you’re from Ukraine, or know anyone who is, you could talk about the impact of Russia’s invasion on you, your friends or your family.
  • If you're a HSBC customer, you could explain how disappointed you are, and suggest it could make you switch banks.
  • You may also want to point out that if HSBC is serious about helping to tackle the climate crisis, it shouldn’t have ties with any oil or gas company.
  • Remember to be polite - there’s someone on the other end of your message.

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